![]() 09/12/2013 at 20:48 • Filed to: CAR CHALLENGE | ![]() | ![]() |
Dear Oppo,
If you could have any car from television or film and it was, in reality, exactly what the car pretended it could be, what movie or TV car would you take?
The Rules:
1.) Any car from any movie or television series is allowed from and including the time traveling DeLorean from Back to the Furture right up to anime cars that transform into great big freaking robots. It can be from the future or an imagined past, or even historical - as long as it was featured on the big, or the small, screen.
2.) This is your ONLY car. It replaces every car you own and you can only own this one car, forever. You cannot sell it, you cannot copy it's technology and patent it, you can own it and you can use it.
3.) Don't be a dick. Sure, there are always ways to make an obscure pick you don't really care about to skirt the rules. That ruins the game though, so don't be an asshat?
I'd like to know, given the above limitations, what car you'd all pick and how that car reflects your taste, not only in cars, but in media as well. I'm willing to wager there will be some pretty neat selections posted and some which aren't. Don't be shy about commenting on other people's choices.
I'll wait to weigh in myself as I'm really interested in what you all would pick.
PS. If you have any questions about the rules, go ahead and ask.
![]() 09/12/2013 at 20:51 |
Good in the winters' snow here in Utah, great for running from the police.
Might even be able to get a little cargo in that sumbitch.
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A BTTF II Delorean would be very tempting
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How is this even a question?
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Bandit, I'm not even half way surprised by your pick.
I love you, man.
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Oh, and that prone driving position for long trips.
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Because it's not everyone's first choice. Or their fifteenth, for that matter.
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Exactly. Comfy comfy!
And don't forget it's arsenal, because missiles and stuff!
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Miami Vice Ferrari Testarossa. Easy peasy lemon squeezy.
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Not to mention that when traffic gets really bad, you can just drive on rooftops.
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Either this terrifying thing
Or this
Or, if I didn't want to be a trucker,
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Those Firestones gotta go tho.
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I would so bust your balls if the question didn't already assume the car was exactly what it was pretending to be because that's no Ferrari.
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See!? There's no reason NOT to love The Tumbler as an all-around, all-purpose vehicle!
Hell, it even comes with a built in two-wheels-bad!
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The "Repo Man" pick deserves massive props, buddy. Massive.
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The Eclipse from The Fast and the Furious, because 20-speed gearbox and double clutching and NAWS FOR DAYZZZ. Oh, and in the movie, a car like this gets ladies. TONS OF LADIES!
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Um... no. This is not okay.
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No text required.
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But how is it not?
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Really, any F&F car because it's always going to be faster then something else, always going to shoot perfect flames outta it's tail, always gonna have endless Nos and a gearbox that shifts up for weeks.
I hate this pick, but I totally approve of it because if those cars could do what they pretended to, they'd be winning races all day long.
![]() 09/12/2013 at 21:00 |
I almost didn't use the pic because of that Subie. Then I thought, "Sure, it's wrong, but the way these guys are leaning on their cars is so right it makes up for the wrongness."
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Points scored.
Only guy that bothered to dress up.
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I assume the pantera will be cheaper to upkeep.
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Well, you see, they kept making new television shows and new movies even after the mold had been cast, broken and recast again.
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Exactly why I picked it. A monstrosity of a car. But if it did what it did in the movies, nothing would be faster.
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These are movie cars. There's no "upkeep" because they just heal themselves or get replaced from one scene to the next.
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Unless it was another F&F car, and the guy behind the wheel a Dom lookalike.
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Thank you, sir!
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Still my default choice.
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A Shelby Cobra Daytona Coupe was in an episode of The Monkees. I'm taking that.
Some other places a Daytona was featured.
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That's why I put more stickers on my car. In the movie, stickers add horsepower.
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My father picks the Coyote X from Hardcastle and McCormick. Apparently the body is based off of the Mclaren M6GT.
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Question: Are we allowed to modify the car once we choose it? For instance, KITT with a modified engine/turbos/bodykit/suspension upgrades? (Not my choice btw, just off the top of my head)
![]() 09/12/2013 at 21:12 |
This took me all of .000000001 seconds to choose
(Except with a functional supercharger, naturally)
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My inner ricer says this:
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Would I be as cool as McQueen?
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The "Durango 95" from a clockwork orange
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One? dang. I was going to use the other for spares.
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I thought, "Talk about economical!"
But then I thought better of it.
I have no idea what this is from, but I love it. I just wonder what the interior looks like. I'm hoping fuzzy, and not gutsy.
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"No, no. Miss the bulldozers, hit the barn."
But, fuck it. Who cares?
I love it.
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That's a sneaky way of getting a Shelby Daytona, but I approve since it's actually super sneaky.
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Bluesmobile. It is capable of incredible feats, will get you were need to be and last as long as it is needed.
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Obviously. I'd be able to do all kinds of awesome shit if I was Deathproof, who knows, I could even become a vigilante who pops criminals with wheelies.
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I think the fashion you're wearing, or at least your frosted tips, are supposed to make you go faster too. Something about cooling.
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Tell your father he wins the Best Pick From A Not-Opponaut Award.
If $kay were around, I'd ask for a suitable pic.
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Nope. Pretending is one thing. Introducing reality is strictly forbidden.
Good question though.
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It is functional. See, this question assumes everything on the car works in reality as in the movie or tv show. Thus; though fakery, it's fakery is made reality.
This also includes the explosives, I might add.
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Your inner ricer has great taste in rice. Steamed, with a hint of jasmine.
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But your car would and isn't that enough?
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Redline 7000 (1965) to make it an official movie car. :-)
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And the first thing that flashed into my gulliver was that I'd like to have her right down there on the floor with the old in-out, real savage.
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Only if the super Subie comes with Jackie Chan, or a Chinese man of equal kickassness?
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I have no argument.
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Only in the car, though. The magic extends only to your car, not outside of it. So yeah, you'd be fine until you got thrown out of it or whatever. Still, great pick.
![]() 09/12/2013 at 22:36 |
Haha, yeah, but they'd have to catch me first. Quick question, would we get the same kind of indestructible cars seen on TV, where no matter how banged up the car gets, it always returns to its full glory in the next episode/movie?
I know the Deathproof Nova gets wrecked halfway through never to be seen again, but I'm actually talking about Dukes of Hazzard shenanigans here, not totalling the car on a front collision at highway speeds.
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Having said as much in another thread, it's only fair to be fair. No maintenance costs because these are movie and TV cars which seem to heal themselves or are replaced during the scene change.
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My Neighbor Totoro
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Pretty easy for me.. My favorite F&F car (and probably the cleanest/ most understated).... too bad they mess it up so bad.
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For the sake of this conversation, I think you mean: "... too bad they mess it up so (good)." Sixteen forward gears, virtually unlimited chassis strength and the ability to leap tall buildings in a single bound? C'mon!
![]() 09/13/2013 at 08:56 |
One more question: Suppose we need to haul a couple yards of mulch home from Lowes. Are we allowed to rent different vehicles, such as a truck from Lowes or Home Depot?
![]() 09/13/2013 at 14:22 |
That's sticky because a lease is sort of like a long term rental, and you could get around the This Is Your Only Car Rule.
Let's say, no. But you can get your friends to help you out with their trucks etc.
![]() 09/13/2013 at 14:46 |
Meh. Okay. Dino from Transformers 3 (movie).
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So versatile. He's an RV, hauler, and bodyguard. And he can perform his own conversions.
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I was going to say something about parking, but then I remembered, "It's a Transformer" and got over it.
![]() 09/13/2013 at 22:23 |
Really? REALLY? I cant believe noone chose mine....
Besides, I want to move to a more steady climate location anyway.
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Just be careful,
You don't want to go there.
![]() 09/16/2013 at 10:30 |
Yeah, I would'nt be able to park him at my office building that's for sure. But, Transformer.
![]() 09/20/2013 at 00:42 |
because the answer is always 917.